JAKARTA. The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) throughout last week (9-13/12) showed a decline of 0.79% or 57.99 points to IDR 7,324.79, following the high net selling volume by foreign investors (net foreign sell).
Last week, the volume of shares traded was recorded at 116.6 billion shares. The value of shares traded was recorded at IDR 100.98 trillion or the equivalent of US$ 6.35 billion, with a trading frequency of 6.2 million times.
The value of purchases made by foreign investors (foreign buy) last week was recorded at IDR 23.12 trillion. With a sales value of IDR 25.82 trillion, foreign investors recorded net foreign sell of IDR 2.7 trillion or the equivalent of US$ 169.02 million.
Shares of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (DSSA) took first place in the IHSG Top Leaders last week. With a share price increase of 6.87% in a week, shares of the Sinarmas Group issuer contributed 13.81 index points.
Meanwhile, PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (TPIA) shares occupy the first position in Top Laggards. The shares of the Barito Group issuer weighed on the JCI because its share price fell 10.37%, which resulted in a reduction of 32.54 points in the IHSG in a week.
Next, PT Trust Finance Indonesia Tbk (TRUS) shares became Top Gainers in the week, with a share price increase of 96.14%. Meanwhile, PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk (SAPX) shares ranked first in Top Loosers, with a price decline of 49.25%.
Of all the shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), 194 shares showed a price increase of more than 2% last week. Then 104 shares rose below 2%, 238 shares were stagnant, 157 shares were corrected by 2%, and 253 shares fell above 2%. (KR/LM)