Big market cap banking stocks collectively slipped

JAKARTA – Banks with big market capitalisation showed collective slippages at the morning session in the last week of 2024. This blue-chip banks’ downtrend affects Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) at its first session.

Based on the data compiled by IDNFinancials today (30/12), some of the leading banks that got corrected this morning included ,PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA), with current market cap of IDR 1.18 quadrillion,PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI), with market cap of IDR 615.18 trillion,PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI)with market cap of IDR 528.99 trillion, andPT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBNI)with market cap of IDR 161.73 trilion.

Until 11 AM WIB, BBCA showed 1% slippage to IDR 9,700 per share from IDR 9,800 at the beginning of today’s session. BBRI was also weakened 0.24% to IDR 4,090 from IDR 4,100, followed by BMRI down 1.72% to IDR 5,700 from IDR 5,800 per share, and BBNI down 0.46% to IDR 4,340 from IDR 4,360.

Nearing midday, JCI was seen decreasing to 7,021.96 from 7,026.13. The downtrend was also apparent in other indices comprising blue-chip stocks, such as LQ45, IDX30, and IDX80. (LK/ZH)