JCI slows down at closing bell

JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) was at 7,829.14 at the closing bell on Wednesday (18/9). The Indexs rate has been moving down since the opening bell at 09.00 WIB. Monitored until the close of stock transactions, the movement of IHSG at the opening of stock transactions had reached 7,873.39. However, approaching the...

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CARS adds IDR 15 billion worth of investment to automotive business line

JAKARTA. PT Industri dan Perdagangan Bintraco Dharma Tbk (CARS) has increased capital investment in PT Sarana Bangun Raharja (SBR), a subsidiary engaged in the automotive sector. Lina M. Ibrahim, Corporate Secretary of CARS, said that this additional capital investment is allocated through PT Bangun Rahmat Sejahtera (BRS). For the record, BRS is a subsidiary directly...

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PGAS to pair up with InJourney’s subsidiary for tourism industry

JAKARTA.PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS)has reportedly collaborated with PT ITDC Nusantara Utilitas (INU), a subsidiary of InJourney Tourism Development Corporation, to develop a gas network in tourism sector. Ratih Esti Prihatini, Director of Commercial of PGAS, mentioned that this partnership is the first step to fulfil the target of gas network construction target. “Hopefully,...

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MSIN now has control over RAAMs shares

JAKARTA -PT MNC Digital Entertainment Tbk (MSIN)steps in as the new shareholder ofPT Tripar Multivision Tbk (RAAM)via private placement of 619.42 million shares, bought for IDR 500 each. The transaction is recorded totalling IDR 309.71 billion. In the information disclosure quoted Friday (13/9), Whora Anita Raghunath, President Director of RAAM, said that after this private...

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WIFI to work with 50 local ISPs to reach 25 million internet users

Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk (WIFI), through its subsidiary, PT Integrasi Jaringan Ekosistem (Weave), has signed a partnership agreement with 50 internet service providers (ISPs) to provide internet infrastructure for 25 million household internet users. Yune Marketatmo, CEO of WIFI, mentioned that this strategic partnership is a part of the company’s commitment in reinforcing digital ecosystem...

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