Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IPCM) prepares IDR 158 billion for its capital expenditure this year, most of which will be channelled to new vessel acquisition.
Most of said budget had been realised by IPCM to purchase 2 new vessels. In addition, the company had also allocated a portion of capex for vessel rejuvenation, supporting facilities, and system modification.
Shanti Puruhita, Director of Commercial and Business Development of IPCM, said that some portion of vessel system modification had been completed. “For 2 vessel acquisition is still on process,” she added during Public Expose Live 2024 held today (29/8).
Until June 2024, IPCM booked revenue of IDR 589.8 billion, increasing 5.5% year-on-year (yoy) from the same period last year.
Based on composition, barging services brought in most of IPCM’s revenue in H1 2024, generating IDR 512.2 billion or equal to 85.5% of total revenue. Meanwhile, transportation services and others contributed 8.1% or IDR 48.8 billion. (KR/ZH)